
添記始創人 – 趙錦添先生於1946年開始涉足蔬菜批發業務,首間蔬菜批發欄號 – 「添記欄」於香港西環蔬菜批發市場開展蔬菜批發業務,繼而在九龍長沙灣蔬菜批發市場開設分號。添記批發商號業務以批發外國進口高質蔬菜為主,當時趙錦添先生主理的批發業務一時無兩,營運已達73年歷史。








Tim Kee was established in 1946. Mr. CHIU Kam Tim, our founder, started his wholesale vegetable business in Kennedy Town, Hong Kong. The business has gradually extended to three subsidiaries throughout these 73 years.

Father of Mr. CHIU Kam Tim was a landlord who established a Stone Factory in Guangdong. He experienced the struggle session during the Cultural Revolution and thus Mr. CHIU Kam Tim alone escaped to Hong Kong. In the early stage, he partnered with others to start a business but unfortunately he was cheated out of all his savings. In 1956, Mr. CHIU Kam Tim established Tim Kee, a wholesale vegetable store, in Kennedy Town, and worked diligently to make a living.

The successor of Tim Kee was Mr. Rambo CHIU Kwok Wai, son of Mr. CHIU Kam Tim. The sudden passing of Mr. CHIU Kam Tim drove him to pick up the business. He was seventeen at that time. With the teachings of seniors, his diligence and immense efforts, he transformed from knowing nothing to a businessman that everyone knew in the field. He was appointed as Deputy Merchandising Officer and Director of Overseas Fruits and Vegetable Merchants Association respectively. 

The business was succeeded by the family of Mr. CHIU Kwok Wai, further carrying forward the painstaking family business with unremitting efforts.

Despite of the intense competition, Tim Kee could still grow and glow under the family’s hard work.